Who was Shakespeare making fun of?

How about Swift, Carroll, Melville, Burroughs?


Who was Frank f-ing Zappa making fun of?!

That’s right. They were making fun of you and me. And you love them when they make you nervous, as long as its just a little.

Laughter comes from tension; it’ a banality that deserves its status.

Now I don’t believe I will ever meet the next Zappa. But I make alliances with anyone making fun of the language, our language. The more nervous the audience gets, all the better. You know …, as long as there is an audience.

The laughs are coming.

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(Should I dread the dreary unsaid reply? Shakespeare was making fun of Elizabethans! There’s your answer, pal.)

Published by putnam100

Trying to answer why is funny

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